Master Schedule

2023 Playoff Schedules / Results

Details of recent updates applied to schedules below:

September 11th

1) E Division
The 8:30 p.m. scheduled game on September 10th was not played due to a medical emergency in a previous game that delayed the schedule.  On September 17th, the start time for multiple games have changed.  Please refer to the E Division schedule/results template for full details.

September 5th
1) B Division
On the final scheduled week (September 24th) of the playoffs, the location for all games will be Kinsmen South.

2) D Division
On the final scheduled week (September 24th) of the playoffs, the location for all games will be Dunmoore South.

August 24th
1) A Division
On the final scheduled week (September 24th) of the playoffs, the location for all games will be Kinsmen South.


Includes all results of September 10th games.


Masters Division

A Division

B Division

C Division

D Division

E Division




2023 Regular Season Schedule

Version date: 6th June
(Replaces version: 25th May)

Excel format

PDF format




2022 Playoff Schedules

Playoffs for all divisions except “A” commence August 28th and continue on September 11th, 18th and 25th.  “A” Division playoffs will commence September 11th.  All six divisions are scheduled to conduct their championship games on September 25th.

Teams are placed according to year end standings.  All Division playoffs are scheduled to double knockout formats.


Playoff Schedules (By Division)

Masters Division
“A” Division
“B” Division
“C” Division
“D” Division
“E” Division

2022 Regular Season

Our regular season has now concluded.  Click here to access our final schedule which was dated 14-Aug-22.