2025 Season Registration
Returning Teams:
Registration for returning teams will take place near the end of February. To remain eligible to compete in 2025, returning teams must be paid in full (registration fee will be determined in January). A fully completed team roster must also be on file with the league at that time. Deadline for returning teams: March 1st!
New Teams:
Applications from new teams will be accepted, however, we have limited space for new applicants. Should you be interested in signing up a new team, please contact R our league president. Deadline for new teams: March 1st!
Individual Players:
The league also accepts individuals who wish to join the league. A wait list is maintained and teams seeking players will approach the league registrar for candidates. We encourage applicants to provide as much information as possible to enable the reps to find players with the skills that the team is seeking. Deadline for Individual players: July 1st.
Click here for more information and application process.